Larry Augustin: Pioneering Entrepreneur and Open-Source Advocate

Larry Augustin is an American entrepreneur and technologist known for his significant contributions to the development of open-source software and the advancement of the technology industry. Born on August 10, 1962, Augustin has played a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of modern software development and business practices.

Larry Augustin

Augustin's journey in the tech world began with his academic pursuits. He holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Stanford University, where his passion for technology and innovation flourished. After completing his education, he ventured into the nascent field of open-source software, a decision that would define much of his career.

In 1993, Augustin co-founded VA Linux Systems, a company that specialized in providing Linux-based solutions for businesses and developers. Under his leadership as CEO, VA Linux Systems became the first open-source company to go public, making waves in the tech industry and solidifying the viability of open-source business models.

Augustin's vision extended beyond the realm of business. He was a staunch advocate for the principles of open-source software, believing in the power of collaboration, transparency, and community-driven innovation. Through his efforts, he helped elevate the status of open-source software from a niche interest to a cornerstone of modern computing.

Beyond his work with VA Linux Systems, Augustin has been actively involved in various ventures and initiatives aimed at promoting open-source technology. He has served on the boards of numerous organizations, sharing his expertise and guiding the strategic direction of the industry.

In addition to his contributions to open-source software, Augustin is also recognized for his entrepreneurial acumen and leadership abilities. His insights into technology trends and market dynamics have earned him respect among peers and industry observers alike.

Today, Larry Augustin continues to be involved in the tech community, leveraging his experience and expertise to drive innovation and shape the future of technology. Whether through his entrepreneurial endeavors, advocacy for open-source principles, or mentorship of aspiring technologists, Augustin remains a prominent figure in the ever-evolving landscape of the tech industry.

Larry Augustin is a pioneering figure in the technology industry, renowned for his contributions to open-source software and his entrepreneurial ventures. As a co-founder of VA Linux Systems, he played a crucial role in demonstrating the viability of open-source business models, leading the company to become the first of its kind to go public. Augustin's advocacy for open-source principles has helped elevate the status of collaborative, community-driven innovation in the tech world. His leadership, entrepreneurial acumen, and commitment to advancing technology continue to leave a lasting impact, shaping the trajectory of the industry for years to come.

Larry Augustin has been mentioned or featured in various books, films, series, and websites related to technology and entrepreneurship. Some examples include:

    • Books:

      • "The Linux Phenomenon: What It Is and Why It Matters" by David S. Evans and Karim R. Lakhani.

      • "Rebel Code: Linux and the Open Source Revolution" by Glyn Moody.

      • "Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution" edited by Chris DiBona, Sam Ockman, and Mark Stone.

      • Films and Documentaries:

        • "Revolution OS" (2001) — A documentary film chronicling the history of GNU, Linux, and the open-source movement, featuring interviews with Larry Augustin and other key figures.

        • Websites:

          • Interviews and articles on technology news websites such as TechCrunch, Wired, and Forbes, among others.

These are just a few examples, and Larry Augustin's influence and contributions may be referenced in various other media sources related to technology and business.