Title: Soraya Bahgat: Champion of Gender Equality and Human Rights

Soraya Bahgat is a prominent Egyptian feminist and human rights activist known for her tireless advocacy for gender equality and social justice. Her work has significantly contributed to the advancement of women's rights in Egypt and beyond.

Soraya Bahgat

Born and raised in Cairo, Soraya Bahgat developed a deep-seated passion for social change from a young age. She pursued her education with a focus on political science and international relations, laying the groundwork for her future activism.

Bahgat's journey as an activist began during her university years, where she became involved in student movements advocating for democratic reforms and human rights. Her commitment to these causes led her to co-found several grassroots organizations aimed at empowering marginalized communities and promoting civil liberties.

In 2005, Bahgat co-founded the "Tahrir Bodyguard" initiative in response to the epidemic of sexual harassment against women during public protests in Egypt. The initiative aimed to provide physical protection and support to women participating in demonstrations, ensuring their safety and security in the face of violence and intimidation.

Bahgat's advocacy work gained international recognition during the 2011 Egyptian Revolution, where she played a prominent role in the protests against the autocratic regime of President Hosni Mubarak. She became a leading voice for women's rights within the revolution, emphasizing the importance of gender equality in the struggle for democracy and social justice.

Following the revolution, Bahgat continued her activism by focusing on issues such as women's political participation, reproductive rights, and combating gender-based violence. She co-founded "Bekhsoos," an independent online platform that provides a space for discussing gender and sexuality in the Arab world, challenging societal taboos and promoting dialogue and understanding.

In addition to her grassroots activism, Soraya Bahgat has been involved in international advocacy efforts, raising awareness about the challenges facing women in the Middle East and North Africa region. She has spoken at numerous conferences and events, highlighting the importance of intersectional feminism and the need for global solidarity in the fight for gender equality.

Despite facing threats and harassment for her activism, Bahgat remains undeterred in her pursuit of social change. Her courage, resilience, and unwavering dedication to the cause of women's rights continue to inspire countless individuals around the world.

Soraya Bahgat's contributions to the feminist movement in Egypt and her fearless advocacy for human rights have left an indelible mark on society, challenging entrenched patriarchal norms and paving the way for a more inclusive and equitable future.


Soraya Bahgat stands as a beacon of courage and resilience in the realm of feminist activism, particularly within the context of Egypt. Her unwavering commitment to advancing women's rights and promoting social justice has earned her widespread recognition and admiration both domestically and internationally.

Bahgat's efforts have not only shed light on the pervasive challenges facing women in Egypt but have also sparked crucial conversations about gender equality and human rights across the broader Arab world. Through her initiatives, such as the "Tahrir Bodyguard" and "Bekhsoos," she has provided tangible support to marginalized communities while challenging societal norms and taboos.

Despite facing significant obstacles and threats to her safety, Bahgat continues to courageously advocate for change, serving as an inspiration to countless individuals who share her vision of a more equitable and inclusive society. Her legacy serves as a reminder of the transformative power of grassroots activism and the importance of amplifying marginalized voices in the fight for social progress.

In essence, Soraya Bahgat's contributions to the feminist movement in Egypt and beyond underscore the profound impact that dedicated individuals can have in challenging injustice and reshaping the fabric of society. Her work serves as a testament to the enduring power of hope, solidarity, and perseverance in the face of adversity.

Soraya Bahgat has been mentioned in various books, articles, and documentaries focusing on feminist activism, human rights, and the Arab Spring. Some notable mentions include:

    • "Revolution 2.0: The Power of the People Is Greater Than the People in Power" by Wael Ghonim — This book discusses the role of social media in the Egyptian Revolution and highlights the contributions of activists like Soraya Bahgat.

    • "Sexual Harassment: A Non-Fatal Offense?" — This documentary explores the issue of sexual harassment in Egypt and features interviews with Bahgat discussing her work with the "Tahrir Bodyguard" initiative.

    • Various articles in international media outlets such as The Guardian, Al Jazeera, and BBC News have covered Bahgat's activism and advocacy work, particularly in the context of women's rights in Egypt.

    • Bahgat has also been featured in online platforms and websites dedicated to promoting feminist discourse and social justice activism in the Arab world, including interviews and articles on platforms like "Bekhsoos" and "Egypt Independent."

These references contribute to a broader understanding of Bahgat's impact and the significance of her activism in challenging societal norms and advocating for gender equality and human rights.