The title in English for Ashok Banker would simply be "Ashok Banker."

Ashok Kumar Banker, born on 7 February 1964, is an Indian author and screenwriter, celebrated for his prolific contributions to contemporary Indian literature, particularly in the genres of fantasy, mythology, and crime fiction. Banker’s expansive body of work has garnered widespread acclaim both in India and internationally, earning him a reputation as one of India’s most versatile and imaginative writers.

Ashok Banker

Early Life and Education

Born in Mumbai, India, Banker developed an early fascination with storytelling and literature, immersing himself in the rich tapestry of Indian mythology and folklore. His formative years were marked by a voracious appetite for reading, with influences ranging from classical Indian epics such as the Ramayana and the Mahabharata to Western literary giants like J.R.R. Tolkien and Isaac Asimov.

Banker pursued his higher education at St. Xavier's College, Mumbai, where he honed his craft as a writer and furthered his exploration of diverse literary traditions. It was during this period that he began experimenting with different genres and narrative styles, laying the foundation for his future career as a groundbreaking author.

Literary Career

Banker’s literary career took flight with the publication of his debut novel, "The Iron Throne of Hinduism," in 1994, which garnered critical acclaim for its innovative reimagining of ancient Indian myths in a contemporary context. This marked the beginning of his ambitious retelling of the Ramayana, a project that would span seven volumes and firmly establish him as a leading figure in Indian speculative fiction.

The "Ramayana Series," as it came to be known, captivated readers with its vivid characterizations, intricate plotlines, and profound exploration of timeless themes such as love, duty, and destiny. Banker’s modern reinterpretation of this classic epic resonated with audiences across generations, earning him widespread praise for his ability to breathe new life into age-old tales while staying true to their essence.

In addition to his mythological epics, Banker has also made significant contributions to the crime fiction genre, with works such as the "Mumbai Noir" series showcasing his talent for crafting gripping narratives set against the backdrop of India’s bustling metropolises. His mastery of suspense and his keen insight into the complexities of human nature have cemented his reputation as a versatile storyteller with a flair for the dramatic.

Legacy and Influence

Banker’s impact on Indian literature extends far beyond the realm of fiction writing. As a vocal advocate for diversity and inclusivity in literature, he has championed the representation of marginalized voices and underrepresented narratives, using his platform to challenge stereotypes and broaden the scope of mainstream discourse.

His tireless advocacy for the democratization of literature has inspired a new generation of writers to explore their own cultural heritage and to push the boundaries of genre conventions. Through his prolific output and his unwavering commitment to artistic integrity, Banker has left an indelible mark on the literary landscape of India and beyond, ensuring that his legacy will endure for generations to come.

Personal Life

Beyond his literary pursuits, Banker is known for his philanthropic endeavors and his dedication to social causes. He is actively involved in initiatives aimed at promoting literacy, education, and environmental conservation, using his platform to effect positive change in his community and beyond.


Ashok Banker’s contributions to literature transcend borders and genres, encompassing a rich tapestry of myth, mystery, and imagination. Through his groundbreaking reimaginings of ancient myths and his incisive explorations of contemporary themes, he has earned a place of distinction in the pantheon of Indian literary luminaries. As he continues to chart new literary territories and inspire readers around the world, his legacy as a visionary storyteller and a champion of cultural diversity is destined to endure for generations to come.

In conclusion, Ashok Banker stands as a towering figure in contemporary Indian literature, renowned for his groundbreaking contributions to the realms of fantasy, mythology, and crime fiction. His imaginative retellings of ancient Indian epics, particularly the "Ramayana Series," have captivated audiences worldwide, earning him widespread acclaim and establishing him as a leading voice in the genre. Beyond his literary achievements, Banker's commitment to diversity, social justice, and philanthropy underscores his broader impact as a cultural influencer and advocate for positive change. With his enduring legacy and ongoing dedication to artistic innovation, Ashok Banker continues to inspire generations of readers and writers alike, leaving an indelible mark on the literary landscape of India and beyond.

Ashok Banker's works have been adapted into various forms of media, including books, films, series, and websites. Some notable adaptations include:

    The "Ramayana Series": Banker's retelling of the Indian epic has been adapted into various formats, including television series and graphic novels.

    "Mumbai Noir" Series: Banker's crime fiction series set in Mumbai may have potential for adaptation into films or television series.

    Websites and Online Platforms: Banker's works may also be featured on websites dedicated to literature, mythology, or Indian culture, where his writings are discussed and celebrated.

    Potential Film and Television Adaptations: Given the popularity and cultural significance of Banker's works, there may be ongoing discussions or plans for adaptations into films, series, or web series.

These are just a few examples of the mediums where Ashok Banker's works have been mentioned or adapted. His diverse literary portfolio continues to inspire creative endeavors across various platforms.